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Borinda nujiangensis

culm sheaths on young shoot hirsute culm sheath base leaf sheaths with scarce oral setae
apices of long culm sheaths branching horizontal older culm sheath with retuse apex culm sheath shape older culm sheath base prominent internode ridges light wax on culms narrow leaves bud
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Type locality for B nujiangensis  in Google Earth
account in Flora of China - under Taxa incertae sedis
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See description in Kew's GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora
See description in Kew's GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora

Borinda nujiangensis (Hsueh & C. M. Hui) Stapleton, Sida 22(1): 332. 2006

 Synonym: Fargesia nujiangensis Hsueh & C. M. Hui, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 18(3): 261. 1998 

  Missouri Botanical Garden's Tropicos Database of Names  TROPICOS

    International Plant Names Index   IPNI

   Multilingual Multiscript Plant Names Database  MMPND


Plants forming dense to rather open clumps. Rhizomes pachymorph, neck 3--10 cm long. Culms  to 6 m, to 2 cm in diam., nodding; internodes to 25 cm, terete, with quickly deciduous blue-grey wax at first, becoming dark green, longitudinal ridges very prominent, glabrous, cavity small, wall thick; nodes slightly raised, , supra-nodal ridge obscure, sheath scar thin, glabrous; branches initially (3)-5-(7), long, nearly horizontal. Culm sheaths deciduous, shorter or longer than internodes, apically retuse with depressed ligule, papery to tough, initially light green, often mottled, brown-setose, proximally glabrous but initially with dense ring of longer hairs around base, longitudinal ribs not coloured, margins densely long-ciliate; auricles absent; oral setae few, erect, to 6 mm; ligule to 2 mm, depressed, serrate and ciliate, tomentose; blade linear, glabrous, erect or reflexed and recurved, quite persistent. Leaves 4--6 per ultimate branch; sheath nearly glabrous, often apically pink-tinged, margins glabrous; auricles absent or tiny; oral setae few, erect, to 4 mm; ligule convex, to 1 mm, tomentose; external ligule very shortly ciliate; blade broadly lanceolate, to 10 × 0.9 cm, dark glossy green above, mature blades slightly crinkled, base rounded, abaxial proximally sparsely pilose beside midrib, secondary veins 3-paired, margins finely spinescent, transverse veins clear. Synflorescence unknown. Name nujiangensis Latin, from near the Nujiang (Salween) River.

Narrow, thick-walled culms with small narrow foliage leaves becoming glossy and crinkled, and very long culm sheaths with concave ligules. Some blue-grey wax at first on the young culms. A very elegant and reasonably hardy bamboo.

The two clones of this species introduced in batch Yunnan 95-3 are substantially different, one being much shorter with mottled culm sheaths and more crinkled leaves. Both are very attractive to scale insects, which are frequently found on the leaf blade petioles as well as on the culms and under the culm sheaths. The name Yunnan 95-3c has been applied to both clones.







Type locality for B nujiangensis  in Google Earth Introduced into Holland in 1995 (in group Yunnan 95-3), collected by Shanghai Botanic Garden, origin unknown. On arrival plants identified in Holland as Fargesia yulongshanensis, but later considered closer to Borinda nujiangensis, although that identification was also very speculative.

[albocerea] [angustissima] [contracta] [frigidorum] [frigidorum aff] [macclureana] [nujiangensis] [papyrifera] [perlonga] [utilis]